Title: Devious Little Lies
Author: Erin Ashley Tanner
Genre: Crime Romance
Release Date: June 21, 2016
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29917561-devious-little-lies

Sometimes the thing you want most can cost you everything.
After ten tumultuous years as the wife of a feared mob boss—five of them spent alone,
thanks to her husband’s incarceration—Rena Rosetti is tired of watching the men Tony
left in charge ruin his criminal empire.
Though she has a fight on her hands, she’s determined to prove that the old-school ways
of the Cosa Nostra need to be permanently laid to rest. But power means nothing with no
one at her side.
Rena has done her best to ignore the fire Shane Van Adams ignites in her, because well,
he’s her daughter Tricia’s boyfriend. But when Tricia decides she no longer wants him,
Rena isn’t prepared for the onslaught when Shane turns those penetrating hazel eyes her
Finally, Rena has everything she ever wanted. But all things come with a price, and she’s
made some dangerous enemies. Forced to battle mob rivals out to take her down, she
must face the harshest truth of all—that the greatest danger she faces is the man sharing
her bed.
Warning: Advanced mind games between a sassy broad who bites her tongue for no one,
and a younger man who, given the chance, could have been the smoothest criminal of all.
Buy Links:
Amazon US: https://goo.gl/zafN1g
Amazon CA: https://goo.gl/izD5YW
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/twnraF
Amazon AU: https://goo.gl/KqtNhC
Barnes & Noble: http://goo.gl/VyWyXF

Author Bio:

Erin Ashley Tanner is the creator of stories featuring fierce females and the men who
love them.
Prior to journeying into the world of contemporary romance, Erin wrote paranormal
romance for Evernight Publishing. Her debut novel, Goddess of Legend released in
October 2013, was an Amazon bestseller and was the first in her Demi-God Daughters
paranormal romance series. The follow up, Goddess by Chance was released in
November 2014.
Dirty Little Secrets, a light organized crime romance was released in July 2015 by
Samhain Publishing. Erin's first independent publishing project was an Organized Crime
Romance titled Gun Moll, co-written with author Bethany-Kris was released on May 23rd
and was an Amazon bestseller.
Social Media Links:
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7348523.Erin_Ashley_Tanner
Website: http://erinashleytanner.wix.com/erinashleytanner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ErinAshleyTanner/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinTheAuthor
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrkknvpct8DVPrdtrE_e5Jw
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Erin-Ashley-Tanner/e/B00FWZN9AG

Rena was stunned.
Utterly stunned.
As she and Shane continued to stare at one another, she tried to find her voice. Tricia
stepped out of the circle of her arms and stood beside her still holding her arm. As
ecstatic as Rena was about her daughter’s surprise visit, she couldn’t help but feel
conflicted about the young man Tricia had brought home. Though for all intents and
purposes all they’d done was share cups of hot chocolate together, if someone had
happened to eavesdrop or pay closer attention to them they would’ve seen something
more something Rena was
afraid her daughter might see even now.
“Mom, say something. You’re awfully quiet.”
Rena tore her gaze away and looked at her daughter. Tricia was the spitting image of her
father, a Vegas plastic surgeon that Rena had foolishly become involved with unaware
that the bastard was married. To this day she still wished she could put a bullet through
Reginald Horne’s head, and even though he’d never been a part of Tricia’s life, Rena
didn’t want the blood of her daughter’s father staining her hands.
Warm brown eyes stared, waiting for her to speak. Rena absentmindedly played with
her daughter’s long brown hair as she noted how beautiful Tricia looked. She had pecan
tan skin and dimples in her cheeks just like Reggie.
“You get even more beautiful every time I see you.”
Tricia rolled her eyes and smiled. “Mom. You’re definitely embarrassing me.”
“Sorry. I admit I’m a little surprised. I didn’t even know you were seeing someone,” Rena
said still trying to keep her eyes off Shane.
“Well now you know so shake his hand and invite us inside.”
Rena swallowed the lump in her throat and turned her attention back to Shane. He was
looking back and forth between her and Tricia. She was sure that he was searching for
the resemblance between them and finding none. Rena wasn’t the least bit surprised.
People had always assumed Tricia was her adopted child. She could only hope Shane
was not another fool who fell into that category.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Rosetti. Tricia’s told me so much about you.” He smiled,
revealing perfect white teeth and extended his hand.
Rena swallowed back a small yelp as a shock passed between them as they touched. His
large hand nearly engulfed hers, and she tried to ignore the strength yet softness of his
hand. Rena, what the hell is wrong with you? Get a grip. Her inner voice was right. There
was no reason for her to be acting like some young girl who just ran into her crush and
had no idea how to act. She was a married woman and the handsome young man gazing
at her was
dating her daughter.
“I’m glad to finally meet you, Shane Van Adams. Tricia’s never brought a guy home
There was a double entendre with her words. It was nice to have a name to go with the
face of a man who did so much to flatter her ego and make her feel like a vivacious
young woman again. But her daughter had decided to bring him home to meet her and
for that he’d better be up to par.
“Well then I really hope I impress.” He slowly let go of her hand.
“I’ll let you know.”
The words slipped out before she could stop them. The last thing she needed to do was to
try and draw even more attention to the awkwardness of the situation.
“Mom, please stop putting him on the spot already.”
Rena’s gaze flicked to her daughter. “I’m your mother. It’s my job. Now why don’t the
two of you come in?”
With a smile, she beckoned them to step inside the mansion. Tricia entered first while
Shane followed carrying their bags as Rena held the door. As he passed Rena, he slowed
his pace and stopped in front of her. Their eyes met and he opened his mouth to say
something, but closed it and released a breath. She shook her head. Right now words
between them were dangerous, even more so than the looks her sweet daughter seemed
unaware of.
Shane frowned at what she knew had to be the frostiness in her eyes. New boundaries
had to be established. New boundaries that couldn’t be crossed no matter what. As Tricia
walked ahead talking out loud about the changes in the house, Shane glanced at her and
then he did something unexpected, innocent, yet provocatively inappropriate. He kissed
her cheek and the softness of his lips against her skin forced her to close her eyes in an
effort to steal her emotions.
When she opened her eyes, she was ready to eviscerate him. To take him aside and
berate him for daring to come to her home and kiss her while her daughter was in the
But she didn’t. She couldn’t. As he moved on behind Tricia, she reminded herself that a
kiss on the cheek meant nothing. It was just a greeting to acknowledge a past history
between them that could not under any circumstances be acknowledged. He cared for
Tricia and he knew how lucky he was to have her.
He’d told her that at the airport, so for now she was choosing to believe that and not the
searing look in his eyes every time he glanced at her. Shane was just confused. It wasn’t
every day a man found out a woman he was attracted to and shared secrets with was his
girlfriend’s mother. At least that was what she was going to keep telling herself. She had
no other choice. The truth was better left buried in word and thought.

I received an ARC of Devious Little Lies in exchange for my honest review.
I really enjoyed this book. It is different then the usual books I read, but I loved that! This book revolves around a Mob Boss's Wife. I love that Rena feels real, she is determined to not let her husband's business go to shit, while he's in jail.
She beats all the stereotypes of a women in the Las Vegas Mob. But then she has the other side to herself. She proves herself a hard ass, who can run a boys only club, but then who's taking care of her other needs? This book has a cougar relationship, which was a first for me.
I dived into this book, and loved the fast paced world the author brings us too. I loved the different faces that make up Rena, and I loved the story!
Definitely a 4 Star Review.
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