Title: I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie
Series: The Dragon Series #1
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release: August 17, 2016
Cover Design by: Cover Me Darling

Keifer Vassago, The Prince of Dragons, has enough on his plate without adding a brunette with a bad attitude to the mix
Fate has a way of screwing all his plans, though, whether he wants them screwed or not. One second he’s fetching his brother from yet another situation that could possibly compromise the Vassago name, and the next that brunette is grabbing his assets.
Blythe isn’t after anyone’s assets, though. She’s a good girl. All she wants is to graduate from nursing school, get a job, and move out of her hell hole apartment. What she does not have time to deal with is a sexy bearded man that accuses her of grabbing his junk.
She tries to forget about the encounter, but fate’s a cruel bitch.
One second she’s a normal college student barely living paycheck to paycheck, and the next she’s setting her panties on fire with powers from an ancient immortal dragon.
To add insult to injury, she’s hearing voices, and none of them are figments of her imagination. Blythe’s life is turned upside down, and Keifer forces her to adapt even though she doesn’t want to. She likes her life just the way it is.
Not to mention she wants nothing to do with that arrogant asshole. She doesn’t care that he rides a dragon. She also could care less about his stupid beard, and his sexy eyes.
Yeah, who was she kidding? She wasn’t convincing anybody.
Buy Links:
Amazon US: https://goo.gl/bkILJP
Amazon CA: https://goo.gl/DPjyfl
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/BnAUMM
Amazon AU: https://goo.gl/uvzBCd
Barnes & Noble: http://goo.gl/AqBLsm
Kobo: https://goo.gl/yn3xTb
iTunes: https://goo.gl/szfPtX
What Others Are Saying:
“Oh my heavens to Betsey, I was given an opportunity to have a sneak peek at this bad boy from Lani Lynn Vale. First, I love that Lani's style of writing that balances family, feels, and loyalty with lots of life follows through into this series.” - Author Chelsea Camaron
“'I Like Dragons and I Cannot Lie' is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best PNR I have EVER read!!!” - Gi’s Spot Reviews
“On a closing note Lani Lynn Vale did it again with another amazing book…” - Goodreads Reviewer

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Author Bio:
I’m a married mother of three. My kids are all under 5, so I can assure you that they are a handful. I’ve been with my paramedic husband now for ten years, and we’ve produced three offspring that are nothing like us. I live in the greatest state in the world, Texas.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaniLynnVale

Coming Soon (In The Series):
Dragons, Need Love Too (The Dragon Series #2)
Oh, My Dragon (The Dragon Series #3)
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Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/kTIf8F
Amazon AU: https://goo.gl/YXp94n
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