D.P. Denman has released her #MMRomance novel, Blue (Blue Series #1) in #Paperback
today! Grab your copy today and don’t forget to enter the #Giveaway and watch the
=Purchase Links=
Amazon: https://goo.gl/rndaxm
Amazon CA: https://goo.gl/BaAW0G
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/pnhfI3
Amazon AU: https://goo.gl/mm5kUh
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He escaped a program designed to cure him. Instead, it left him near death with nothing
to rely on but the generosity of a stranger. Hostile and headstrong, Blue needs a calmer
influence to balance his fury. Someone to save him from himself.
Brady’s life was quiet and orderly until fate sent him a blue-eyed hurricane. Bursts of
temper and flashes of despair batter his efforts to quiet the storm in a man he doubts he
can tame, one drowning in the wreckage of his past.
With a head full of lies and a body full of scars, Blue works to rebuild his life with the
help of a man determined to prove sometimes trust is worth the risk.
Blue features one of the most popular characters of the Saving Liam saga! Destined for
greatness, he reveals the past that made him the scarred bad boy readers love.
=Check out what @Sinfully_MMBlog @FoxyBookLover and @LustfulLiteratu are saying=
“Out of all the books I've read by DP Denman, Blue is now my favourite. I thought it was
beautifully written, moving and shouts loudly that this is an author who cares deeply
about the subject matter and characters she writes about...and she made me care too.” -
Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews
“This was a deep and angst filled journey of a read that just kept me engrossed into the
storyline.” - Foxylutely Book Reviews
“This is a remarkable book about a lost, broken man finding happiness with the help of
an amazing man and his equally amazing house keeper.” - Lustful Literature
Blue folded arms across his chest, shoulder-length, dark hair framing his face, dangling
in his eyes. The scowl returned with a distinct brooding quality.
“We're talking about me being insane, and you waiting another few years while I get my
head together,” Blue said. “You're going to explode -- or find someone else.”
“You're too hot when you're pouting for me to consider anyone else.”
“I'm not pouting.”
“I'm trying to be serious, and you're being an ass.”
“No, you're trying to create a problem where there isn't one.” Brady got up from his
chair. “I don't mind waiting, though I doubt it will take years. Dr. Geist is too good at her
“And what happens when you get tired of waiting anyway?”
He stepped to the edge of Blue's exaggerated personal space. “I won't.”
“Yes, you will.”
He saw the pain of imagined betrayal fluttering in Blue's annoyance and stepped closer.
“I won't get tired because this isn't a game.” He caressed Blue's cheek. “I love you, Cub.
Unlike certain people in your past, that means something to me.”
The words slid out before he realized what he was saying and he gave himself a mental
slap. He hadn't wanted to admit that to Blue yet.
Blue blinked away the shimmer of tears. “Don't say things you don't mean.”
“I didn't.”
“How can you say you love me? You barely know me,” Blue said.
“Why would you say that? We’ve spent close to eight months under the same roof. That’s
plenty of time to get to know you.”
“You don’t know everything,” Blue said.
He smiled and took one of Blue’s hands. “Probably not, but I know more of your secrets
than they ever did -- and I'm still here, Jeremy.”
He'd never called Blue by his real name before and didn't intend to do it again. Jeremy
was dead, murdered by a sadist, but he was making a point. Blue was a new persona
with a new life. He was happy to let him grow into it. That didn't mean he didn’t
remember the kid he used to be and what that kid had been through.
“Don't call me that,” Blue said and pulled the hand from his grasp.
“My point is I know you as well as anyone and I still want you. If we take longer than
some people to get to the part where you don't sleep down the hall anymore, I guess
that's what happens.”
Blue swiped at his nose.
“Would it be too mushy to say I'm positive you'll be worth the wait?” Brady asked.
“God, yes.” Blue rolled his eyes and marched toward the door. “I'm going to find a
Brady smiled after him.

=Meet the Author=
Award winning author DP Denman writes character-driven contemporary romance
about gay men. Her stories are real and intense, but resolve in endings that make people
want to read the book all over again. She lives among the moss and trees of the Pacific
Northwest with a rambunctious pair of fur babies.
In her spare time, she is a dedicated LGBTQIA rights activist with a special focus on the
thousands of rejected and abandoned kids who end up on the street every year. To
support the cause, 25% of the royalties from every book go to LGBT charities.
=Connect with D.P. today=
Website: http://www.dpdenman.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dpdenman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dp.denman
Blog: http://dpdenmanauthor.blogspot.com/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/dpdenman
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/DP-Denman/e/B00GDFXYRM/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7325778.D_P_Denman
=In the Series=
Rhythm and Blue (Blue Series #2) is #AvailableNow #OneClick your copy today
Amazon: http://goo.gl/2ha4ug
Amazon CA: http://goo.gl/XkLhJH
Amazon UK: http://goo.gl/RpdruL
Amazon AU: http://goo.gl/JBQfNA
This #ReleaseBlitz (Paperback) is proudly hosted by @EJBookPromos
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